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Getting the kids fed and ready in time for school in the morning can be a struggle – even on the best of days. It’s no wonder that that the taste and convenience of a quick bowl of their favorite cereal is the go-to breakfast option for many. Unfortunately, this easy solution is contributing to children eating up to half of their daily recommended sugar intake before they even leave the house for school.
The American Heart Association recommends that kids consume less than 25 grams of added sugar per day (which amounts to about 6 teaspoons), and cereals like Kellogg’s Honey Smacks or Quaker Oats Cap’n Crunch cereal contain half (or more) of that amount in one serving. Adding just one glass of apple or orange juice to the mix can double that amount, and easily take a child beyond the suggested added sugar threshold first thing in the morning.
Not only do children who eat more added sugar tend to avoid healthier options in general, but they also are at a higher risk for an array of health issues like obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Another less obvious consequence of kids eating too much sugar is malnutrition. Filling up on the empty calories provided by sugar, kids are often missing out on essential nutrients like the vitamins and minerals provided by more nutrient dense food like fruit, vegetables, and proteins.
Since so many kid-friendly breakfast options are super sweet, it can be hard to get your child to accept other flavors and broaden his or her taste preferences. Here are a few tips for cutting back on the sugar overload at breakfast, and some alternatives to the worst high-sugar culprits:
At RBK, we are always available to answer any questions you may have about nutrition and healthy eating. Give us a call at one of our three locations to schedule an appointment.